As you can see, we have a new header! About time.
We've also been busy adding content to various sections of the site. If you've been poking around you'll see that there is a new addition to 'The Gang' section (anyone who gets the irony of the boys' names will be awarded brownie points) + new summaries, extras, music selections and other bits and pieces are coming shortly. We've also been busy getting both character bios as well as cast bios together. We're excited to revel all the new content, so stay tuned!

Kelly and I have been tweeting away and working on our (respective) bits to get Death Becomes Me up and running - Kelly is working on the trailer and I've been occupied with the website, however we are doing live chats at least once a week. Kelly generally tweets when the chats are occurring so if you'd like to participate in one (we usually talk about both Death Becomes Me and Fangs & Fins) don't hesitate to do so!

Keep visited for your DBM fix, more content should be up shortly. 
Still getting ourselves organized. Come back soon to view more content!